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The Online Biz Marketing Toolkit

When you click "subscribe," you'll be added to my email list, which is *hands down* the 2nd most fun list on the internet. I can't tell you who owns the MOST fun email list on the internet unless you're a copywriter. IF you're a copywriter, you can email me and ask, and I *might* tell you. If you're not a copywriter, don't even bother because I will check that you are who you say you are, and if you're not a copywriter, things will not go well for you... and you don't what to find out what that means. Now, with that out of the way, here's what you can expect from being on my list. I share wild and woolly stories and marketing tips from the front lines of online business and life. What I'm trying to say is: you'll never be bored by my emails. I should warn you though, I'm an email marketer, so I email a lot... sometimes once a day. If you're not into that, please DON'T sign up for my list. I mean it, don't. I only want people who are serious about learning how to rock their copy and email marketing. If that's not you, (no offense, but) kick rocks! Obvi, it goes without saying that I won't spam you, and you''ll learn a lot about email marketing by seeing how I do it, annnnnnd you can unsubscribe anytime, but I'm pretty sure you won't want to because my email list is a damn good time. I REPEAT, do NOT click "Subscribe" unless you consent to be added to the 2nd MOST FUN email list on the internet (my list). 

"From helping me create a founding member's offer with the tools to market, to being a listening ear as I navigated burnout and some major life transitions, Cooper was present with me in all of it. Her positive demeanor, overflow of ideas and vast experience in building, growing and running her own dream business was so inspiring. She really has it all and I am so excited to implement the tools I've learned in our sessions as I grow my own business. If you're on the fence, it's time to commit and Cooper's your girl!"


From helping me create a founding members offer with the tools to market...

In this toolkit, you'll:

Receive exclusive discounts on some of my recs

Wherever I could score you a discount, I did!

Learn My Fav Tools For Email Marketing

One of which will make emailing your list weekly a breeze — talk about a gamechanger!

Discover how to ditch your subscriptions...

... and get lifetime access to the software you need to run your business.

Hi! I'm Cooper.

I put this toolkit together to save you the pain of hemorrhaging money as you navigate the world of online marketing.


Because I wish I would've found a guide like this when I was starting out. It would've saved me time, money, and a few tears.

I use and love all of the tools in this toolkit. They're affordable, effective, and you'll never outgrow them. In fact, they can help you grow.

So, enjoy!

And if this toolkit helps you, shoot me a message and let me know. I love celebrating your success!

Copywriter Extraordinaire / EMAIL Marketing STRATEGIST / Chocolate Advocate / Prospective Client Briber 

Finally! A freebie you'll actually use!

Download now to discover the best, most affordable tools I've found for running an online biz. ♥️


The Online Biz Marketing Toolkit

      When you click "subscribe," you'll be added to my email list, which is *hands down* the 2nd most fun list on the internet. I can't tell you who owns the MOST fun email list on the internet unless you're a copywriter. IF you're a copywriter, you can email me and ask, and I *might* tell you. If you're not a copywriter, don't even bother because I will check that you are who you say you are, and if you're not a copywriter, things will not go well for you... and you don't what to find out what that means. Now, with that out of the way, here's what you can expect from being on my list. I share wild and woolly stories and marketing tips from the front lines of online business and life. What I'm trying to say is: you'll never be bored by my emails. I should warn you though, I'm an email marketer, so I email a lot... sometimes once a day. If you're not into that, please DON'T sign up for my list. I mean it, don't. I only want people who are serious about learning how to rock their copy and email marketing. If that's not you, (no offense, but) kick rocks! Obvi, it goes without saying that I won't spam you, and you''ll learn a lot about email marketing by seeing how I do it, annnnnnd you can unsubscribe anytime, but I'm pretty sure you won't want to because my email list is a damn good time. I REPEAT, do NOT click "Subscribe" unless you consent to be added to the 2nd MOST FUN email list on the internet (my list).